HappyMod / Evolution Galaxy: Mutant Merge Mod APK
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Evolution Galaxy: Mutant Merge v1.22.11 Mod APK Sınırsız para

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Ad Evolution Galaxy: Mutant Merge
Paket Adı br.com.tapps.evolutiongalaxy
Yayıncı Tapps Games
Kategori Casual
MOD özellikleri Sınırsız para
Sürüm 1.22.11
Gerektirir Android 6.0 (M)

Evolution Galaxy: Mutant Merge Mod apk son sürüm ücretsiz indir

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Do you already know the coolest game this galaxy has ever seen? Evolution Galaxy by Tapps Games is the game of the moment! The merge evolution of the animal kingdom and many creatures depend on you. Galaxy Evolution came to revolutionize and evolve merge all galaxies by mixing animals and turning them into MUTANT ANIMALS!

In this Mutant Evolution Merge Game, you will discover galaxies inhabited by different creatures and you will need to evolve all species and combine creatures, to discover more and more mixtures by merging them into new species.

Galaxy Evolution Merge by Tapps Games
Galaxy Evolution is a mutant animal idle clicker game. Your goal is to repopulate the entire galaxy!

You will have access to several planets themed with curious creatures, such as chameleons, foxes, rabbits and many others. In this animal evolution game, merge animals and combine creatures to get new mutant species, then merge the new species as well and see what mysterious and different animal you create!

With each super advanced mutant evolution species, you will get more and more coins. With these coins, you can buy creature eggs and make your galactic merge evolution even faster. The more advanced the creature, the more coins it makes.

Evolution Galaxy also gives you the great opportunity to meet the cosmic gods, with ultra-galactic powers! There are several gods for you to invoke and each God will help you complete your Speciepedia! In addition, the gods give you a very powerful bonus in coin production, this bonus helps you evolve quickly. Can you imagine?

Idle Clicker Evolution Merge
Remember that Evolution Galaxy is an idle clicker game, that is, the more you click on your creatures and mutant animals, the more coins you earn and the more creature eggs you can buy. That's how you'll be able to evolve the galaxy and turn all planets into inhabited planets!

Evolve merge & Combine creatures
In this animal evolution merge game, the animalistic mixtures you make will result in mutated animals.

For example, on the chameleon planet you will start with a baby chameleon, which when you merge with another baby chameleon, will become an adult chameleon and, if you combine two adult chameleons, it will evolve and you will get a new animal mutant, the shymeleon!

There are many mutant species beyond these. Can you evolve all the animals and repopulate all the planets in the galaxy? There are many levels and many species of mutant animals to discover. Mutant cats? Dogs? Sloths? ZOMBIE? We have all species!

But moreover Evolution Galaxy is not just an animal merge idle clicker game, this is also an immersive, exciting and surprising game that tells you an amazing story, using doodle style illustration, with lots of possibilities and fun! Isn't it the most incredible game ever?

Heads up! This is an animal evolution merge game produced and distributed by Tapps Games and is free to play, but contains items that can be purchased for real money. Some features and extra items mentioned in the description can also be purchased for real money.

Evolution Galaxy: Mutant Merge Mod apk son sürüm ücretsiz indir

Mod bilgisi

Mod V1.22.11 özellikler

  • Oyuna girin ve bir sürü elmas kazanın

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  • Reklamların ödülünü değiştirin ve saniyede altın madeni para çıktısı önemli ölçüde arttı.

Mod V1.13.8 özellikler

  • Birçok elmas / reklam yok

Mod V1.5.1 özellikler

  • Çok para


Nasıl kurulur Evolution Galaxy: Mutant Merge Mod apk

İki seçeneğiniz var, ilki indirme düğmesine tıklayın, Evolution Galaxy: Mutant Merge mod apk hakkında istediğiniz sürümü seçin. Ayarlar > Uygulamalar > Menü > Özel erişim > Bilinmeyen uygulamaları yükle'ye giderek Chrome'un bilinmeyen uygulamaları yüklemesine izin verin. APK dosyasını telefonunuza indirdikten sonra bulabilmeniz için bir dosya yöneticisi (Cx Dosya Gezgini veya Dosya Yöneticisi gibi) yükleyin. Bir APK dosyası indirin ve yüklemek için açın. İkincisi, HappyMod uygulamasını indirin, ardından indirin ve yükleyin Evolution Galaxy: Mutant Merge tek tıklamayla mod apk.

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Evet. HappyMod'daki tüm Uygulamalar, Android cihazınızın indirmesi için güvenlidir. Neden bazı MOD APK çalışmıyor? Hileli apk, orijinalin değiştirilmiş bir apk'sidir, tüm cihazlarla uyumlu olmayabilir, bu nedenle bazı cihazlar bunu kullanamaz. Aynı modu bulabilirsin, bazı kullanıcılar iyi çalışıyor ama birileri çalıştıramıyor.

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