HappyMod / Licencia de Armas Mod APK
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Ad Licencia de Armas
Paket Adı com.yurkap.permisodearmas
Yayıncı Yurkap
Kategori Education
MOD özellikleri Ücretsiz ödedi Ücretsiz satın alma
Sürüm 1.2
Gerektirir Android 4.2、4.2.2 (JELLY_BEAN_MR1)

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Weapons permit test

In the following article, we will explain how to obtain a type E and D weapon license, what are the requirements for a weapons license in Spain, where you should go, what you should focus on and will also specify all the necessary information that you should know. before obtaining a permit of this type.

General requirements to obtain a type E weapon license

In Spain, citizens can obtain a permit to carry weapons. In total there are five types of permits, among which is the type E weapons license, which are those for exclusive use for sports shooting or also hunting shotguns. However, to have authorization it is necessary that the person be trained and define what they want to use said weapon for.

What does a person who wants to obtain a permit to carry type E weapons need? The first thing you must have is a document proving that you are dedicated to sport hunting – as a hobby or job – if you do not have it, you must bring a photocopy of the hunting license.

The applicant will have three essential certificates for this type of license, among which are: Criminal record – prove that they do not have open files – history of gender violence (prove that they have not been reported for such cases) and aptitude certificate. psychophysical, essential in this type of requests and will have to pay a fee established by law. The proof must be presented.

Requirements to obtain a type D weapons license

Those people who want to capture any type of wild animals can do so by simply obtaining a type D weapons license, which are long rifled weapons used for big game hunting. This work is carried out recurrently in countries like Spain, so much so that it has become well known because it requires practice, knowledge and certain skills that the hunter must meet.

The step that must be followed by a person who wishes to obtain a type D license is to record the following requirements: criminal record certificates, records on gender violence and psychophysical aptitudes. You will also have to have on hand the certificate stating that you are dedicated to hunting, the application form, the hunting license and a sworn declaration that you will store the weapon in a safe.

Likewise, it is necessary to authorize the Arms Interventions of the Civil Guard to enter the Data and Residency Verification System and, as part of the monetary fee, show proof of payment for the application. When you take it for the first time you have to pass both theoretical and practical knowledge tests, which will be detailed in the next paragraphs.

In addition to the requirements to obtain a type E and type D weapons license, it should be noted that it is permitted to authorize the carrying of weapons by Spaniards or – in any case – foreigners who have residence in Spain.

It is essential to be of legal age in order for the license to be approved and to guarantee its proper use in order to avoid possible accidents.

Theoretical and practical exam

When you are going to apply for a weapons permit, in the case of type E or type D, you must undergo a theoretical test in which the applicant will make it known that they know everything related to weapons. This exam consists of 423 questions, distributed in seven topics on weapons regulations. The applicant must learn this questionnaire before taking the test and be fully prepared.

Government source used for questions:

This app is not affiliated with or represents any government entity.

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Nasıl kurulur Licencia de Armas Mod apk

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HappyMod bir uygulama ve oyun modları apk mağazasıdır, hemen hemen tüm popüler uygulamaları kolayca arayabilir, indirebilir ve yükleyebilirsiniz. Android'de bilinmeyen uygulamalara nasıl izin verilir? APK dosyalarını Chrome veya başka bir tarayıcı kullanarak indirebilmeniz için önce bilinmeyen uygulamalara izin vermelisiniz: 1. Cihaz ayarlarınıza gidin ve Uygulamalar ve Bildirimler'e (veya Android'in eski sürümlerinde Uygulamalar) dokunun. 2.Sağ üst köşedeki üç noktaya dokunun. 3. Özel erişim'e dokunun. 4. Bilinmeyen uygulamaları yükle'ye dokunun. 5.Chrome'a ​​(veya hangi web tarayıcısını kullanırsanız kullanın) dokunun 6.İzin Ver'i bu kaynaktan Açık konumuna getirin.

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Evet. HappyMod'daki tüm Uygulamalar, Android cihazınızın indirmesi için güvenlidir. Neden bazı MOD APK çalışmıyor? Hileli apk, orijinalin değiştirilmiş bir apk'sidir, tüm cihazlarla uyumlu olmayabilir, bu nedenle bazı cihazlar bunu kullanamaz. Aynı modu bulabilirsin, bazı kullanıcılar iyi çalışıyor ama birileri çalıştıramıyor.

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Öncelikle uygulamanın veya oyunun orijinal sürümünü kaldırdığınızdan emin olmalısınız, ardından mod apk'yı çalıştırabilirsiniz.

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